On a day off this week and with a couple of complimentary Chester Zoo tickets in my possession I decided that I would revisit the zoo, an old haunt that I did part of my PhD at, many moons ago! With temperatures the wrong side of the zero Celsius mark I decided to take my Celestron Hand-warmer with me, in case of freezing digits later in the day. Little did I know how useful this would be, but not in the way that I had anticipated.
As is the way these days I used my iPhone as my camera and happily snapped away at the beautiful animals at the zoo, a place where rare species are being bred and lots of good work is going on. Halfway through the day however a flaw in my cunning plan was evident. My phone had succumbed to the cold too and rapidly ran out of charge, stopping my snapping in its tracks. Then I remembered that the Celestron Hand-warmer doubled as a Power Bank (as well as trebling as a torch….. but that’s another story). I connected up my phone and stuck in in my pocket, more in hope than expectation and gave it 45mins. I hoped to gain just enough charge to rattle a couple of pics off if I saw anything really good. Imagine my delight and surprise when I looked and saw that my phone’s charge level was up from 1% to over 70%, all in 45mins, incredible!! Even better the Power Bank of the Celestron wasn’t even drained, so I had more reserves if needed.
This re-charge did, in fact, keep me going until dusk and ‘chucking out’ time at the zoo.My reward was some great extra pics of the beautiful residents of Chester Zoo (the animals not the keepers!). One of these is attached, a shot through glass of the gorgeous male Jaguar, tucking into his tea with me eyeball to eyeball with him. Thank goodness for the glass or I’d have been joining him for tea and not in a good way!
I wholeheartedly recommend the range of Hand-warmers from Celestron, either as warmers, torches and/or power-banks. They come at stocking filler prices and what better way to see the face of someone you care for light up on Christmas morning – if you switch the torch on of course!!!
