I've been using the Feldy Golden Balls for our garden feeders almost since they were first available from FocalPoint. This weekend I replaced some of the "alternative" brand fat balls at the feeders at Pikelow Farm with the Feldy Fat Balls and it didn't take long for the Blue Tits to find them to their liking. The birds are used to feeders at Pikelow (well David does keep up to six feeding stations stocked during the winter months. BUT the birds don't spend long on the fat balls, often feeding just on the peanuts or various seeds offered. I also filled on of the feeders with Feldy Sunflower hearts, and the birds, including Greenfinches and Goldfinches were soon tucking into that as well.
Over the next few weeks I am going to be trying various other Feldy products (all of which Yvonne and Paul have got at the showroom, together with the Feldy feeders at very reasonable prices.
